Date to be hosted:
4:30 Server Time (4:30 p.m. +8GMT)Rounds:
4 or morePrize:
Chosen by the Admin HimselfRules:
Race to the highest score.You must find me 2 times to win the game. It'll be 3 times if someone found me two times without reaching the fourth round.
Example: If a player finds me in the 1st and 2nd round, the game would be extended. It would be race to 3 finds.
But if you found me pass the 3rd round for the second time, then you win.
A clearer example:
A Player founded on the 1st round, then he founded me again in the 3rd round, you need to find me one more time to win.
A Player founded me on the 1st round, then he founded me in the 4th round, then you win.
Meaning, the game won't end fast.
Oh, not this fast. Read Below.
You Need to Bring me Something from the said map. You will be told in-game what to bringSuggestion: character which has fast speed or can transport location. Or some foods/buffs which increases your speed. Speed matters. Be sure to rotate(Hold right click then move your mouse) your Map to check out hard to seen places cause I hide good.
ROUND 1 (bonus hint)
Bring Me: 1 jellopy, 1 rainbow carrot, 1 fluff
As the round goes higher, its Difficulty would be harderROUND 2,3,4,...Map:___ - To be told in game
Bring Me: ___ - To be told in game
Higher round = lesser hintFor finding me for the last time, so you think it's done? nope you still have last thing to do. You need to crack my pub to finish this game. I will make a pub if you're on the last part. I will give you 180 seconds time to guess the pub. In 240 seconds, i would broadcast my exact location, so that would give others chance to steal. So be quick or you'll be stolen a chance.
After a steal, another round would start until you have reach the needed points to end the game.Crack the Pub could be one of these:
jumbled numbers/letters
missing letters/numbers
-Added difficulty: i can change to a Mob. -After each round, you have 3-5 minutes break to get yourself ready for the next round.
Cheating: Jail
First round was already hard, due to its large map. but someone has got sharp eyes:

-it was suppose to show me item, but i just found out i can't deal with them, and they can't deal with me.

took around 10 minutes for the first round.
Binladenat the Dark Place of Thor Dungeon, Bring me 5 Flame Hearts

YuKii was supposed to win this round but brought the wrong item.

took around 10 minutes for the 2nd round
BLUE printsIn the lower left of Moscovia Town, Bring me 5 Butterfly Wing, 10 Fly Wing

Even i've hidden in a hard to find place, he found me! took 7 minutes
Mga BLue ASan kauIn one of the mid-houses in Lighthalzen Town, Bring me Geek Glasses

He found me again, but too bad he hadn't cracked my pub. Took 34 minutes
v2 N u e v eContinuation of the event:
prt_abbey, quest to get the great demon bapho horns. Bring me: 10 yoyo tails

This guy has sharp eyes, round ended in 6 minutes.
CyBoRggonryun field 1, monster of zipper bear and baby leopard. Bring: 5 leopard claw, 10 garlets

WARGODS should have won in this round, but he said he accidentally clicked on the fly wing. Round took around 5 minutes.
Eye Of The Godspayon town, green town. Bring: 1 Opal

First to find me: CyBoRg 2nd:WARGODS so its time to crack the pub. It took two minutes for someone to crack this pub (requested by players to make it easier), He luckily stole a point for this. Roundtime: 8mins
Eye Of The GodsFinal Screenshot:
Event Winner:
Eye Of The Gods