Item Name: Fire Blazed SwordShow content
A one-handed, formal dress sword imbued with the Fire Property.
Cart Revolution skill will push any of its target by additional 5 cells
Strength + 15
Increase Cart Termination by 10%
Intelligence + 5
Increase Acid Demonstrator damage by 5%
Class: One-handed Sword \ Attack: 200 \ Weight: 120 \ Property: Water \ Weapon level: 4 \ Required Level: 40 \ Slots: 4
Applicable jobs: Creator, Whitesmith
Item Name: Immortal BowShow content
Gathers spirit energy in order to form an immaterial bow that exterminates ghosts, but drains energy from user.
The time has come! A scientist have finally figured out the formula to make quincy bow more powerful!
Enhanced Range, Critical +15, Dex +10, 50%+ Damage against ghosts.
Nullify all magic spells
Applicable Jobs: Archer Branch Classes
Class: Bow \ Attack: 200 \ Weapon Lvl: 4 \ Required Lvl: 100 \ Slots: 4 \ Weight: 120
Item Name: Almighty StaffShow content
This staff has been forged hundred thousand years ago by the legendary messenger. It shines beautifully by the light.
It somtimes nullifies enemy's magic defence.
MATK + 20%, Dex + 5, Int + 5
[+ Priest, Soul Linker, Wizard]
Additional 10% towards MATK.
Decreases delay aftercast on all skills by 15%.
Vit + 5
Maximum HP + 500
Class: One-handed Staff \ Attack: 150 \ Weapon Lvl: 3 \ Required Lvl: 70 \ Slots: 3 \ Weight: 150
New aeRO CurrencySo lets get this started. These three items will be added to the current currency in aeRO. The prize you get on our automated events and pvp will be separated. On top of this, we will also add the WoE badge, which you can get during War Of Emperium. I will make a further explanation of this later.
WoE Badge Show content
You can easily get this item by cooperating with your guild mates in War Of Emperium. This one works like our PvP Points system. Additionally, we have added a new system to make the game better, there are bunch of job/classes helping to kill an opponent. So, as long as you are helping your guild memebers, Devoing, and giving buffs to others and of course within the party, you will also have a chance to get a WoE Badge. Pretty cool ah? even though you are not a killer, you do still have the chance to get this badge.
A badge that is provided to warrior who brought great honor in the Battle field.
Weight: 0
Event Token Show content
Yet, If you are one of us, you would know that the prize for this is PvP Point. Well, at this point, PvP Point should really be separated with Event Token. So this will be the new currency for winning in aeRO Automated Events.
An event coin. You can obtain it by joining automated events.
Weight: 0
Killer Badge Show content
You can obtain Killer Badge by killing opponent inside the PvP map.
A badge that is provided to warrior who brought great honor in the Battle field.
Weight: 0

This is of course related to the War Of Emperium and Guilds.For the server's population, we need to balance this things out, the maximum members per guild will be changed to 16. So 16 members in guild can be multiply to 4 for alliances which is equivalent to total of 64 guild member defenders.
To be continued.