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Messages - unforgetable

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 13
Mayaan Market / Re: T>craaw = offer
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:23:55 PM »
Is your CRAAW still available ?

Mayaan Market / Re: Selling ( Items ) ( Mayaan )
« on: January 28, 2015, 09:08:43 AM »
UP UP !!!!!!!

Mayaan Market / Selling ( Items ) ( Mayaan )
« on: January 28, 2015, 07:48:37 AM »
I'm selling my extra and non use items .
Fresh 100% Guaranteed ! haha.
2 Omega ( Dex ) = ?
3 Omega ( Int ) = ?
Bowser Shell = ?
Death Set = ?
4 Moonlight Hat = ?
Combat Knife = ?
+10 Orcish Axe = ?
+10 Giant Axe = ?
Quincy Bow = ?
(2) Valkyrie Armor = ?
+4 Valkyrie Armor = ?
3 Variant Shoes = ?
+7 Diablos Mantue = ?
Ifrit set = ?
(2) False Apprentice = ?
(3) Arch Angel Wing = ?
(2) Pika Ears = ?
Cygnus Helm = ?
(2) Double Bunny Ears = ?
(2) Dropping Loliruri = ?
(2) Skeggoid Cap = ?
(3) Costume Of Youth = ?
(4)Hyegun Hat = ?
Cards :
(2) Tao Gunka Card = 2b ( Rush )
Lord Knight Card = ?
High Wizard Card = 6b ( Rush )

Best Offers Are The Best :)
We can negotiate on prices. I'm easy to talk to.
Pm me ingame
mayaan server
Thank YOU!!!

Mayaan / Re: [Event] The price is RIGHT!
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:23:12 PM »
Congratulations to all winners ! Belated Happy New Year :)

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: Getting a DDOS protected server
« on: April 25, 2014, 10:33:01 PM »
Hi aeRO Elites:

Our server is still getting DDOSED

I have looked at different providers that offers ddos protection; in addition,we need a budget of $5000 to finally moved to a host that would ultimately block the attack we're getting and to finally get this problem resolved.

I have counted our active players and seemed that we can cover this expense. Any amount is acceptable, and I hope that you could help us to reach this amount and finally move our server to fully protected dedicated server.

To show our gratitude, you will get extra 20 DCP for every donation, and a special hat of appreciation for every donation that goes more than $100

Thank you for your non-stop support at aeRO Gaming, and hoping for your cooperation

Best regards,
aeRO GM Team

if we donate now is there a chance that you can also block all the macro user and i know you hate php sellers right? then baket may mga php seller offer sa sarili mong facebook group do we look stupid? and now you're crying here for donation we dont even know if you can block the macro user nag papa gago ka sa mga tropa mong sina drew and also fankullo or christian alvarez dupper naman and you still keep protecting him because sa mga donate nya you're friend drew or bringer is selling some of rare item for phpnobs :'(

Don't donate. Why are you even gonna waste money if you're not even sure that the server will be fixed. What we donate $3000 and the never gets fixed?...Our money is gone, and there's no game to play. That's why we need it to be stable first and guaranteed before any money is wasted. We don't know Basher can just runaway with money. $5000 is a lot of money. I'm not giving anything unless I'm playing. And ONLY thru PayPal.

Dont FIX the server first , FIX PAYPAL , FIX THE DONATION then FIX the SERVER

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: Getting a DDOS protected server
« on: April 25, 2014, 03:26:24 AM »
Heard about the news :( sad to hear about it , aeRO  getting DDOS attacked again.
But this time they needed a big amount. Even though i don't play aeRO anymore , i will still contribute a minimal amount 100$. I still remember one of the GM's told me before i quit . " Even though you quit, you're always part of the aeRO Community " . Guys remember Basher's not asking you to donate $5,000 . His just asking you to donate a minimal amount. Trust me " Every Coin Makes A Difference "
God Bless aeRO and Cheers to everyone!  >:( >:(

Mayaan Market / Re: S> +10 Reisz Helmet = 3Acoins or ?
« on: April 05, 2013, 11:09:54 AM »
Still up or sold ?

Mayaan Market / Re: S> +10 Reisz Helmet , B> DCPs
« on: March 21, 2013, 04:40:29 AM »
Sir can i ask, what is special in Reisz Helmet why it is SO expensive  :-*
Nothings Special its just its rare and its a 300 DCP heady :)).

Mayaan Market / Re: S> +10 Reisz Helmet , B> DCPs
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:31:43 PM »
Is Reisz Helmet a 300 DCP Headgear ?

Turbo Market / Re: S>4JUGG||+10OAA||+10DH||SHINI||2TERMI
« on: February 16, 2013, 05:55:26 PM »

Turbo Market / Re: Selling Pm Offer...
« on: February 16, 2013, 04:19:18 AM »

Turbo Market / Re: Selling Headgears.. Offer inside
« on: January 30, 2013, 08:37:41 AM »
=cotton shir each  :P
Worst comment ever saw :)) No Offence

Mayaan Market / Re: Selling CRAAW,AAAW Best Offer Wins :))
« on: January 27, 2013, 10:32:59 PM »

Mayaan Market / Selling CRAAW,AAAW Best Offer Wins :))
« on: January 27, 2013, 10:32:27 PM »
Title Says it :)) Best Offer Wins :))
I prefer EYES+? Or Godly Items.

Mayaan Market / Re: B>CRAAW,RINNE=AAAW+ +10SHINI+???
« on: January 27, 2013, 10:31:38 PM »
Selling Craaw = ?

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