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Messages - balasss

Pages: [1]
Eternal Market / QUIT NA AKO(rune/chupachups/fluffy) ETERNAL to TURBO ITEMS
« on: November 13, 2011, 09:05:32 AM »
cno gusto nung items ko?? sell ko na un lahat.. medyo pangit na ang nanduon(+ulles,+9TIDALSET,IP(1),+7vm,+7vs,CTM,etc) kasi tinago ko malakas na weapons and cards..

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: aeRO Gaming Servers are up!
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:20:32 PM »
Thanks for your patiently waiting, all aeRO Servers are now up and running again

aeRO Turbo - Up
aeRO Mayaan - Up
aeRO Charm - Up
aeRO Eternal - Up

Also, regarding for the quest of Claw wings and other new wings including tiger tail and tiger face that has been implemented in Mayaan and Turbo are now has no effect, aeRO GM are still deciding about what to do on these custom items. So yea, lets wait for this decision, note that this is not applied to aeRO Eternal

The miscellaneous items are the following
-Achromatic Wing
-Tiger Face
-Angelish Wing
-Wing Claw

Please just hold of these items, we will make the decision as soon as possible and made this item useful in the future.

If you have cards on these new custom items, immediately remove yours cards on it. In May 15, these item will be set into miscellaneous

- Thank you for your continuing support to aeRO


about the update in may 15... is eternal included or still not included???

read carefully . the answer is there.  ;D

hahaa LOL! im just making sure if eternal is not included...

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: aeRO Gaming Servers are up!
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:30:16 AM »
Thanks for your patiently waiting, all aeRO Servers are now up and running again

aeRO Turbo - Up
aeRO Mayaan - Up
aeRO Charm - Up
aeRO Eternal - Up

Also, regarding for the quest of Claw wings and other new wings including tiger tail and tiger face that has been implemented in Mayaan and Turbo are now has no effect, aeRO GM are still deciding about what to do on these custom items. So yea, lets wait for this decision, note that this is not applied to aeRO Eternal

The miscellaneous items are the following
-Achromatic Wing
-Tiger Face
-Angelish Wing
-Wing Claw

Please just hold of these items, we will make the decision as soon as possible and made this item useful in the future.

If you have cards on these new custom items, immediately remove yours cards on it. In May 15, these item will be set into miscellaneous

- Thank you for your continuing support to aeRO


about the update in may 15... is eternal included or still not included???

Eternal / Re: Event For eternal [ Event Level: Undetermined ]
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:52:14 AM »
what about include anubis helm, Aries Diadem, Aries Crown, Aquarius Diadem, Asara Fairy Hat, Beer Hat and Bogy Cap

Eternal / Re: Event For eternal [ Event Level: Undetermined ]
« on: April 18, 2011, 02:24:30 AM »
dapat sana ung bonnet nlng... mas maganda kasi un eh slotted pa

Eternal / Re: Eternal Bring me Event [ Event Level: Medium ]
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:32:11 PM »
hahah sure2x.. change everthing..

Eternal / Re: Eternal Bring me Event [ Event Level: Medium ]
« on: March 10, 2011, 09:29:43 PM »
gm... are u sure we can loot red envelope?? i think we cant

Pages: [1]