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Quote from: [Admin] Ba$her on May 04, 2014, 03:00:58 PMQuote from: galego on May 02, 2014, 08:58:07 PMQuote from: pogiman on May 02, 2014, 07:05:28 PM5more support GM's specially turbo!!THX SO MUCH!no faker.... mayaan need TOO, need more... GM in TURBO have a easy job... !!!! /bzz turbo all need BAN cause ALL STUPIDS NOOBS MACRO USERS AND DUPPERS SELLERS, INCLUDE THE OLD GM WHO SOLD DUPPERS ITENS, PLAY IN TURBO...and the SCAMMERS LIKE MIGUEL AND STUPID MOTHERFAKERSUNOFBEACH PEKTO, AND OTHERS WHO SCAN ITENS LIKE PW[1] and fruitshakeAOG(thelegitAOG[mineAOG]), and the HELM OF MY BIGBRO ARTHUR, play there... include the STUPIDNOOBWEAKNOOB FRANKULO, WHO SEND MANY DDoS atack (and ALL KNOW IT) play in TURBO. then FAK TURBO PLAYERS.... AND I DONT CARE MORE IF YOU WILL MUTE ME.... HAHAHAHHAHA I D O N T C A R E - SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTEEERRRSSSS!Muted for posting offensive words and starting fights on forum.we are not fighting here..galego and me are friend..he just upset coz many scammer in turbo, like he said, his AOG name's, and my rare too get scam.. that's why he change to mayaan server..and he meet some cheater or scammer too in mayaan, so that he want more "GM's active"u dont have to muted galego..that happened right now in ur server (turbo,mayaan)..many cheater, scammer, php (buy sell) that im sure all is illegal and no "GM's active" to handle it..
Quote from: galego on May 02, 2014, 08:58:07 PMQuote from: pogiman on May 02, 2014, 07:05:28 PM5more support GM's specially turbo!!THX SO MUCH!no faker.... mayaan need TOO, need more... GM in TURBO have a easy job... !!!! /bzz turbo all need BAN cause ALL STUPIDS NOOBS MACRO USERS AND DUPPERS SELLERS, INCLUDE THE OLD GM WHO SOLD DUPPERS ITENS, PLAY IN TURBO...and the SCAMMERS LIKE MIGUEL AND STUPID MOTHERFAKERSUNOFBEACH PEKTO, AND OTHERS WHO SCAN ITENS LIKE PW[1] and fruitshakeAOG(thelegitAOG[mineAOG]), and the HELM OF MY BIGBRO ARTHUR, play there... include the STUPIDNOOBWEAKNOOB FRANKULO, WHO SEND MANY DDoS atack (and ALL KNOW IT) play in TURBO. then FAK TURBO PLAYERS.... AND I DONT CARE MORE IF YOU WILL MUTE ME.... HAHAHAHHAHA I D O N T C A R E - SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTEEERRRSSSS!Muted for posting offensive words and starting fights on forum.
Quote from: pogiman on May 02, 2014, 07:05:28 PM5more support GM's specially turbo!!THX SO MUCH!no faker.... mayaan need TOO, need more... GM in TURBO have a easy job... !!!! /bzz turbo all need BAN cause ALL STUPIDS NOOBS MACRO USERS AND DUPPERS SELLERS, INCLUDE THE OLD GM WHO SOLD DUPPERS ITENS, PLAY IN TURBO...and the SCAMMERS LIKE MIGUEL AND STUPID MOTHERFAKERSUNOFBEACH PEKTO, AND OTHERS WHO SCAN ITENS LIKE PW[1] and fruitshakeAOG(thelegitAOG[mineAOG]), and the HELM OF MY BIGBRO ARTHUR, play there... include the STUPIDNOOBWEAKNOOB FRANKULO, WHO SEND MANY DDoS atack (and ALL KNOW IT) play in TURBO. then FAK TURBO PLAYERS.... AND I DONT CARE MORE IF YOU WILL MUTE ME.... HAHAHAHHAHA I D O N T C A R E - SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTEEERRRSSSS!
5more support GM's specially turbo!!THX SO MUCH!
Quote from: [Admin] Ba$her on May 02, 2014, 12:57:56 AMI'd like to hear your voice. Please post the number and detail of what changes you wanted to see. You can only choose one of the following:1. New Quest Items(Custom Item)2. Updated Maps and monsters including drops including renewal items3. New Hairstyles like super saiyan and more4. New items in donation5. Add more Support GM'sIf you think I missed something in here, send me a message at [email protected]Best regards,aeRO GM TeamMr. Admin Ba$her???can i request??? change our everyday event, but!! the same price pvp points
I'd like to hear your voice. Please post the number and detail of what changes you wanted to see. You can only choose one of the following:1. New Quest Items(Custom Item)2. Updated Maps and monsters including drops including renewal items3. New Hairstyles like super saiyan and more4. New items in donation5. Add more Support GM'sIf you think I missed something in here, send me a message at [email protected]Best regards,aeRO GM Team
Sir, i've an account here before. But i can't remember my username and password. Is it possible for me to redeem my account?
Quote from: Amadoo on May 05, 2014, 05:32:59 PMSir, i've an account here before. But i can't remember my username and password. Is it possible for me to redeem my account? Yes if you know your characters name, previous email and items inside your account
Quote from: Paoie123 on May 05, 2014, 06:31:13 PMQuote from: Amadoo on May 05, 2014, 05:32:59 PMSir, i've an account here before. But i can't remember my username and password. Is it possible for me to redeem my account? Yes if you know your characters name, previous email and items inside your accountI do know my username. But i don't know my email. How can i redeem it? I need a help badly.
Quote from: Amadoo on May 06, 2014, 02:01:21 PMQuote from: Paoie123 on May 05, 2014, 06:31:13 PMQuote from: Amadoo on May 05, 2014, 05:32:59 PMSir, i've an account here before. But i can't remember my username and password. Is it possible for me to redeem my account? Yes if you know your characters name, previous email and items inside your accountI do know my username. But i don't know my email. How can i redeem it? I need a help badly. Thanks a lot dude. You should make a separate topic for this so that a GM will get to you! (:Another way to get your account information is to submit a ticket through aeRO's Support Ticket System at: http://aerogaming.org/support/open.php?
yeah . . . . i think 5 is a little appropriate too . . coz i have noticed the drastic change in aeRO events and such . . . . GM's cant be seen for a while even in forum how sad . . . im starting to think that they have left us