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jann153 aeRO Addict

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Last Active:
June 12, 2017, 11:43:57 AM
Originally, the Agit King event was hosted by Ajax but he is currently having other priorities. Yes, a majority is frustrated to be left without any response. But try to understand both parties. I think your reasons are clear enough but how about the other side? Can you try to have some empathy & put youself in their shoes for a moment?

About your question. What's up with the Agit King event? Well, I have recently talked to Admin Basher about the AK and what would make it run again is an automated system. Something independant, that doesn't require a staff to host it (something like the dice event for example). It would update by itself and give out a prize automatically to the winning guild master that has successfully defended the castle for x times. In other words, it is a work in progress meaning it will be running again. As for now, I do not have any specific date to give but it's for a near future.

I hope it has, in certain ways, enlighten you for a bit.