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Messages - Grotesque

Pages: [1]
Ragnarok Announcement / Re: Agit King changes v2
« on: May 30, 2015, 07:43:49 AM »
How about opening other Castles, like open Geffen WoE on Tuesdays then Prontera on Saturdays. That way no one would be confused.

Pretty much disable WoE SE on Tuesdays and open up specific castles for WoE FE.

Ragnarok Server Changelogs / Re: 04/12/2014 Mayaan Changelog
« on: December 05, 2014, 08:06:24 PM »
RIP in Pepperinos Haruhi Champs.

Oh well back to CBG.

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: aeRO New Patch
« on: June 01, 2013, 07:14:40 PM »
+ I've recently checked most of the Armour items stats are still in a Renewal state, though when worn, the stats are pre-renewal.

EDIT: A friend of mine just recently showed me a defected Garm Baby Egg that seems to be broken and it can't be open (and it can't be recognize by a Repair NPC)

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: aeRO New Patch
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:37:43 AM »
Any reasons on why Omega Dark/Arch Angel and the Quincy Bow (as far as I know) have different names?

EDIT: So far I've seen Deadeye and Bustersword with weird lettering on them..

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: aeRO New Patch
« on: May 19, 2013, 11:58:48 AM »
Oooh, no more screenshaking! I'm pretty happy with that.

Though I wished there was an Option viable to turn it on and off.

Mayaan Market / Re: PC on things
« on: April 23, 2013, 03:07:04 PM »

+4 buster sword = 800m - 1b+
+4 quincy bow = 1b+
+10 mes
+10 Desert twilight
+10 Desert Wind = 450m - 550m
alice doll
moobert hat = 1b+
cat o ninetails = 600m+
rine of prophecies
+4 cygnus helm = 750m - 1b
hood of death = 800m - 1b
pikachu ears = 300m - 500m
+7 valkryja manteau = 2.5b - 3b
variant shoes = 100m - 300m
+7 valkkyja armor
glittering jacket
heart sunglasses
HOB = 100m - 250m
tao gunka card
GTB card
ghostring card = 200m - 400m
ifirit card = 600m - 1b
giant crusier card = 250m - 400m
moonlight hat = 900m - 1b
EKE = 900m - 1b
Shadow PC card
amon ra card

As of April 2013.

Those blanks = I got no clue what the prices are.

I'm not gonna lie, I may not be accurate on the pricing. But yeah as far as I have seen on Mayaan for the last month those are the average price.

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