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Topics - [Admin] Ba$her

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 16
Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020/06/13
« on: June 13, 2020, 01:32:32 PM »
- Added PvP Points limit to 1000 every 24 hours. This is so we can avoid PvP Points horder. It will be easier for me to trace whos abusing bugs.

- Updated the effects for all the scarf sold in the Purchase Shop. Please refer to the Purchase shop regarding these changes.

- Added picture for the COVID card.

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020/06/11
« on: June 11, 2020, 01:00:32 AM »

Turbo Server
- Added Warper in PvP
- Fix Red Ether Bag Item. Added missing Volcano level 3 bonus.
- Added Bot Check for the last map for Clock Towers Level 3
- Changed Aldebaran WoE for babies to just 1 Agit at a time.
- Fix Baby Warps from WoE Info NPC and via Warper. Change it to random coordinates for Aldebaran

Mayaan Server
- Added condense white potion to the Tool Dealer in Mayaan
- Change requirements for Brynhild in Mayaan. Make it a little easier.
- Nerf Pandemic in Mayaan
  • bonus Spiral Pierce damage is gained by 1% increase in Spiral Pierce Skill damage for every level after 200
  • removed +100 hit bonus
  • lowered Acid Breath trigger rate to 10% from 25% when using Spiral Pierce skill

Ragnarok Announcement / Guild alliance explanation for "Agit King"
« on: June 07, 2020, 11:30:21 AM »
For the sake of explaining this, I'm making Guild, A, B and C as an example.

Guild A - Current Castle Holder
Guild B - Has no Castle
Guild C - Has no Castle

Guild alliances are not permitted during Agit King. Meaning, two guilds are forbidden to help each other to defend the castle.

I'm a member of a guild what should I do?

  • If you are in the Guild A - your job is to defend your castle. You must kill all the members of Guild B , and Guild C
  • If you are in the Guild B  - Your goal is to go after the Emperium to get the castle. You should kill all the members of Guild A. You may kill Guild C  if they attacked you, but if you intently killed members of Guild C , we will consider this as an ally with Guild A.
  • If you are in Guild C  - Your goal is to go after the Emperium to get the castle. You MUST kill all the members of Guild A. You may kill the members of Guild B  if they attacked you, but if you intently killed members of Guild B  without them hurting you, we will consider this as an ally with Guild A

What happens if I disobey these rules? You may face jail time, ban time and guild disqualification. Again this is not new, this has been the rules from earlier Agit King, I want this clear for everybody.

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020-05-26
« on: May 26, 2020, 01:32:53 AM »
- Fixed Pandemic. Made the item tradable, and allows users level 200 and above to equip the item.
- Fixed vending area. Allow use of @at / @autovend.
- Added 15 minutes timer to stay in Juggernaut.

- Added Baby WoE on Monday!
- Disabled butterfly wing in PvP
- Added map exit to the PvP Ladder NPC.
- Added 15 minutes timer to stay in Juggernaut.

Ragnarok Announcement / Server update 2020-05-18
« on: May 18, 2020, 01:32:56 PM »
Mayaan Server
- The Evolve infiltrator quest requirements have been changed. The Valor Badge and Voting credits are removed to the requirements.
- Fix the fire property for the Fire Blaze Sword.
- Added a kafra npc to the War over Rune

Turbo and Mayaan

- Change the quantity of Donation Ticket purchased in our Shop to 1
- Added traps in WoR Shop NPC
- Removed * and # for the name changes.
- Added @ and ! symbols for the name changes.

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020/05/11
« on: May 11, 2020, 06:22:37 PM »
- Meteor Storm has been disabled in Hidden Dungeons level 3
- Vending area has been moved to the new area.
- Added Donation Ticket where the players are allowed to trade tickets for dcps.
- Update announcement in PvP. Added 1-minute interval cooldown.
- Reduce Brynhild quest voting requirements to 400.
- Move Eddie Quest NPC to the new vending area.

Added broadcast in Mayaan when killing Covid19
Added Donation Ticket where the players are allowed to trade tickets for dcps.
- Update announcement in PvP. Added 1-minute interval cooldown.
- Reduce Brynhild quest voting requirements to 400.
- Added hatred reset in Mayaan (Add feature to the actual reset skills/stats NPC)
- Move Eddie Quest NPC to the new vending area.

All Servers
Updated the Loading Screens
Updated Hairstyles and Cloth Color to a better-looking one.

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020-05-04
« on: May 04, 2020, 10:20:24 AM »
- Meteor Storm has been disabled in Hidden Dungeons level 3. This is to prevent AFK Farmers in the area.
- The Vending area has been moved to Hugel. I was told that the old vending area was too small. So moved it into a bigger town.
- Added Donation Ticket in our purchase shop where the players are allowed to trade tickets for dcps. (The npc is located in the left side of Poring Market
- Updated PvP announcement. Added 1-minute cooldown.

- The Vending area has been moved to Hugel. I was told that the old vending area was too small. So moved it into a bigger town.
-Fixed the announcement when killing Covid.
-Added Donation Ticket in our purchase shop where the players are allowed to trade tickets for dcps. (The npc is located in the left side of Poring Market
-Updated PvP announcement. Added 1-minute cooldown.

All other servers
- Updated the Loading Screens
- Updated Hairstyles and Cloth Color to a better-looking one.
- Fixed voting site
- Fixed forum

You may send us a report for any other bugs to [email protected].

GM Ba$her

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020-04-18
« on: April 18, 2020, 10:39:36 AM »
New Updates for 2020!
• New mob named Covid19 ( Will come in random towns every 4 hours starting tonight )
• New items / equips obtainable via new boss drop, quest, NPC trading and through donation.
• Balance Classes for PvP and WoE.
• Improve general gameplay.
• Introducing a fun, long and rewarding quests.
What is COVID-19!?
• Covid 19 drops new custom item Quarantine Pass
• Covid 19 drops new custom weapons Pandemic [4],State of Calamity [4] and Covid 19 Card by a very low chance
New custom items!
• New custom god type item Brynhild [1] obtainable through quest or DCP request
• Covid 19 drops Miscellaneous item Quarantine Pass, an item requirement for Brynhild [1] quest.
New weapon sold in DCP Violet Fear [4]
New Shop NPC!
• New NPC that trades new custom cards and accessory items for platinum coins. located in Prontera. Besides the voting shop and potions.
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Enhanced Asprika
Now reduces all elemental attacks by 30% instead of just melee
Grants Teleportation Level 2 instead of Level 1

Enhanced the Twin Edge of naght sieger
One of the twin blades wielded by the demon Naght Seiger. The blueish color blade is unimaginably sharp.
Perfect Hit+ 20
Enables use of Level 5 Frost Driver
Double Rate +20

Enhanced the Twin Edge of naght sieger
One of the twin blades wielded by the demon naght seiger. The reddish color blade is unimaginably sharp.
Perfect Hit+ 20
Enables use of Level 5 Meteor Storm
[Twin Edge B]
Double Rate +20

Where do I get Brynhild Armor Piece ?
The Brynhild Armor Piece is dropped by the Treasure Chest in the Treasure Room
For the Pheonix, Essense and Azeroth Castles.

Brynhild Quest
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Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020-04-07
« on: April 07, 2020, 08:59:57 AM »
- Fixed sending account e-mail verification when registering an account.
- Fixed sending e-mail for an account password reset

Turbo server
This is so we can make use of money in-game. Thus, making the economy better. Will be implemented starting tomorrow Wednesday 8, 2020

The server will increase the fees when using the following
10m for using @main
1m PVP Warper for level 900 and above
1000 platinum coins to make Evolve Shining Orbit Wing and Evolve Darkened Orbit Wing

Mayaan Server
- Boost the damage of Soul Breaker by 20%
- Added 1 more slot to the deadeye making it now a 2 slotted weapon.
- Added Evolve Golden Thief Bug Card quest (Quest NPC is now available in Morocc)
 Applicable Jobs: Knight, Archer, Gunslinger and Assassin Class.
- Added Evolve Ghostring Card Quest (Quest NPC is just outside Byalan Dungeon level 1
- Added Red Ether Quest

 ;) ;) ;)

New Mayaan Server Quest's Guide Here --> Click Me!!

Turbo / aeRO Guild VS Guild (AGIT KING) 0/15
« on: April 06, 2020, 10:06:44 PM »


• When you hold the castle for the first time (conquer), your score is 0. Next WOE, if you defend it until the end, your score is 1. then 2 and so on.
if the Guild holder fails to defend it, the count will reset to 0. to Win, you need to mark Fifteen (15) Defenses.

• Each member of the guild should kill any opposing guilds. This includes any characters that are not a member of their guild.

• Guilds are prohibited to change Guild Master during the on going Agit King.

It is also prohibited for Guild Masters to;
  1. Change Guild Emblem
  2. Change the Guild Emblem to BLANK.
  3. Copy the Opposing Guild’s Emblem.

If the Guild fails to comply on these rules. It will cost your hard earned Defense scores to be Reset to 0.

The Valor Badge prize in WoE has been changed to 1. Due to this, we are reducing the number of your current Valor Badge by 10 to make it the same.  ;)

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update 2020-04-11
« on: April 01, 2020, 12:40:18 AM »
Turbo & Mayaan
- Pink Poo Poo Hat has no more slot.
- Fixed the WoE time back from 8 - 10 PM in PH and 8 - 10 AM in Canadian time.
- Fixed account e-mail confirmation.
- Just so you know, the Tsinelas quest is available in-game. It's a 1 slot unbreakable footgear. The quest NPC is located beside the Pet Groomer NPC in Prontera.

-Made some changes with the land pro skills. Due to the fact that it causes lags to most of our players, we decided to change the skill effect to 2 seconds duration and can't be spammed.

 ;) ;) ;)

Ragnarok Announcement / Turbo Server Update
« on: January 25, 2020, 09:17:02 AM »
There will be 2 new evolve wings in Turbo: Evolve Shining Orbit Wing and Evolve Darkened Orbit Wing. Kindly visit the Cloak NPC in Askydun to check for its stats. The Quest NPC will be located at the lower-left of Askydun.

Valour Badge: This is a new miscellaneous item. It is used to make the new evolve wings. How do you get it? you'll need to participate in the Agit King every Saturday. Each member of the winning guild will receive Valor Badge.

There are new donation items in
The items in these categories will be replaced for next season.

Stay Warm aeRO Elites!

 ;) ;) ;)

Ragnarok Announcement / Macro has now been legalized in Turbo.
« on: December 12, 2019, 02:02:06 PM »
Hello Folks,

As you know, I've tried my best to stop the macro users. But it seemed like everyone wanted to use it.

I came to the realization that it will be better to legalize macro. We have all grown up adults now and I think everyone can afford a gaming keyboard/mouse at this point in time.

It'll be fair for everyone if a macro is free to use. I'll be sharing some guides as well on how to create/use it to make sure everyone is going to benefit from these changes.

There is still some exemption though. Using macro on skills that causing lag such as desperado GC lag is still illegal and will get you banned.

Because of these changes, expect the skills Nerf to balance the server during WoE and PvP.

To those players that are in jail / or got banned for using a macro, you won't get out of jail / unbanned for free. You disobeyed and break the rule during your time and you will have to pay for the consequence.

Using a macro to spam skills is allowed only in Turbo server. You are not permitted to use in Mayaan, Eternal and Classic server.

Also, it is still not allowed to use a macro for autopilot and for hunting items in the game.

Thank you and happy gaming to all! If you have any questions regarding this feel free ask it here.

 ;) ;) ;)

Ragnarok Announcement / Server Update
« on: December 06, 2019, 01:47:59 AM »
Change The Free Yggs NPC to +10 Foods NPC. (Turbo)
Removed slot to the Music Ring. As it makes other donation item useless (Flu mask, Black Gangster Scarf etc.). (Mayaan)
Added Classic server to our website (To view account/characters information). (Classic)
Change Server rate to 8x/8x/3x (Classic)

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