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Topics - [Admin] Ba$her
« on: August 08, 2011, 05:06:11 PM »
Philippine National Bank donations are coming soon! Many of our players especially in the Philippines are willing to help running the server, by donating to aeRO. I have seen lot of requests and why not giving them an answer? so it is here now, PNB Philippines National Bank. It's free to deposit money! no extra charge! so yes! good bye headaches!. Note* this way of donation is only available to the country of the Philippines.
« on: June 12, 2011, 07:45:17 PM »
Western Union donation form Alertpay donation formHope you like the new template for our donation form. Also, I have added " Assisstant:"(So I know who's helping people to donate aswell). And, since we often get spam from invalid email and information, I have added required function for imporant information. Thank you for your still continued support towards aeRO. Wishes all the best and luck. - aeRO Gaming Artificial Entertainment
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:32:33 AM »
Updates in aeRO website.  Forum registration images is now set to basic -Lets make the registration more easier. aeRO Mini Installer 15.0 Okay as I promise before, releasing of aeRO Mini Installer 15! This include all the patches for those people having hard time to patch their patcher. Forum Link on the side bar(BUG) is now remove. Thanks to Calibur for letting me know! Enjoy!
« on: May 29, 2011, 10:54:21 PM »
I want to apologize that it took so long for the site maintenance, As we all notice that our site crashes so often. As a result of this, I pass this issue to our site developer and they had tried their best to fix this issue. Well, everything is done, and time to give it a shot! Also, soon to release 15.0 aeRO Mini Installer. Whats on it? aero mini patch. Good download for the new comers, Old aeRO member? to make your life easier, just open your patcher and it should automatically patch it for you. no installation of mini 15.0 needed. If you see some bugs, please report it to us immediately at [email protected] or [email protected]Thank you for your all of your patience aeRO Elites! Have fun playing aeRO and enjoy! aeRO GM Team
« on: May 27, 2011, 03:38:18 AM »
 this is what we have been waiting for. Lag issue should be fixed by now. - Database Layered Cleaned. Control Panel Login History log will start at 2011 from now on. History back from 2009-2011 will no longer can be seen.  Also, since we have been getting tons of request to accept Philippines donations via Alertpay why not give it a try? - The Country of the Philippines is no longer block by aeRO Donation via Alertpay. Thank you very much for all of your patience aeRO Elites. Regards, and enjoy playing aeRO!
« on: May 23, 2011, 02:07:00 AM »
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:07:55 PM »
Just make the Prontera a bit more looks summer. Also Omega Arch Angel/ Dark Angel has been modify to its old looks item picture(taken from Old aeRO Files).
Update your patcher in able to see this release.
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:22:02 AM »
May's maintenance will take place Saturday, May 21th in the evening server time.
« on: May 07, 2011, 02:24:19 PM »
Thanks for your patiently waiting, all aeRO Servers are now up and running again
aeRO Turbo - Up aeRO Mayaan - Up aeRO Charm - Up aeRO Eternal - Up
Also, regarding for the quest of Claw wings and other new wings including tiger tail and tiger face that has been implemented in Mayaan and Turbo are now has no effect, aeRO GM are still deciding about what to do on these custom items. So yea, lets wait for this decision, note that this is not applied to aeRO Eternal
The miscellaneous items are the following -Achromatic Wing -Tiger Face -Tigertail -Angelish Wing -Wing Claw
Please just hold of these items, we will make the decision as soon as possible and made this item useful in the future.
*Update- If you have cards on these new custom items, immediately remove yours cards on it. In May 15, these item will be set into miscellaneous
- Thank you for your continuing support to aeRO
« on: April 17, 2011, 04:44:47 PM »
Upcoming Updates! This coming summer heat!aeRO Mayaan .png) .png) Will be granted to level up to 265! Aristocratic Arch Angel Wing will be known us [AAAW] Questable: YesTradable: Yes Crimson Red Arch Angel Wing will be known as [CRAAW] Questable: YesTradable: Yes Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!  Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events! In progress
----------- aeRO Turbo  Juggernaut Card - Ready for Extremity Fist Questable: NoTradable: YesDroppable: Yes  Termination Card - Watch us Whitesmiths! Questable: NoTradable: YesDroppable: UndecidedIn progress
Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!  Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events! ----------- aeRO Eternal Wing Claw - Undecided Item Info: Applicable only for Taekwon, Star Gladiator, Soul Linker, Gunslinger, Ninja Hit +50 Coma effect by low chance. Places Curse effect on its target by a 3% chance.Questable: YesTradable: YesDroppable: Yes Girly Ribbon - Summer is not complete without a new Ribbon! Item Info: AGI + 2 MDEF + 5 Decreases damage inflicted on Wind Property by 10% Questable: Yes Tradable: Yes Droppable: Yes
 Angelish Wing - Summer hot release! Item Info: Luk +5 Dexterity +5 Questable: Yes Tradable: Yes Droppable: Yes
 Angelish Wing - Weee! Item Info: Strength +5 Luk +5 Questable: Yes Tradable: Yes Droppable: Yes
 Tiger Face - Rawr! Item Info: Strength +2 Increase damage received from demi human monster by 10% Increase your walking speed. If Tiger Face is equipped - Additional scratch! Double Attack by 50% Questable: Yes Tradable: Yes Droppable: Yes
 Tiger Tail - Don't look at the ass! look at the tail! Item Info: Increases Attack Speed by 8% If Tiger Face is equipped - Additional scratch! Double Attack by 50% Questable: Yes Tradable: Yes Droppable: Yes
Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!  Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events! In progress
----------- aeRO Old School Mr IndentifierLimited for those lazy ass people! This NPC will identify all unidentified items in your inventory at once. Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!  Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events! In progress To be updated, so hold your horses and don't miss this update on May! Summer hot!.
« on: February 19, 2011, 08:27:53 AM »
07/09/11 - [GM] Ba$herAdded shop on War Over Rune being tested in Mayaan Inside the War OverR,there'll be a shop that sells many useful stuff, like Glistening potions awakening berserk especially Yggdrasilberry. Prices are subject to changes. These are just my suggestion. 05/15/11 - [GM] Ba$herModify Aristocratic Arch Angel/Crimson Red Arch Angel to match the requirements. Fixed item given attributes. - Modify Deadeye quest requirements, also added Cutlass, Havoc and Sweeper guns quest. 04/27/11 - [GM] CrapLOV/ Thunderstorm Damages now stack Added Berryexchanger 04/01/11Old Mayaan skill setting is back! 03/27/11Doppelganger effect adds 10% more ASPD for all jobs exept Paladin. 25% to Paladin and 35% for any other jobs! Enjoy! 03/18/11Assassin Link Active Nerfed. Double Strafe, bug fix, Set twice stronger of its original damage. Spiral Priece increased more damage. Shadow Poring Card Nerfed, gives 10% Additional Damage to Champion and Assassin Cross and 45% to the rest job. 03/15/11Some cards/items changes! for better balance gaming experience! Cheers! Amon ra Card * [Base Intelligence = 255] o Add a chance of auto casting Level 10 Kyrie Eleison is increased to 10%. o The percentage increase of Kyrie Eleison is scaled. For example, 177 INT = 6.5% to auto cast, etc.
Archangeling Card * Base Lucky must be >= 105 to receive the effect. * Maximum HP + 3000, instead of 300.
Assassin Cross Card Receives 30% more damage from Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, Poison, Holy, Dark, Ghost and Undead elements.
Attroce Card * ATK + 125, instead of 25
Drake Card * Adds a chance to cast a random level of Critical Wounds when attacking.
Eddga Card * will no longer have an HP penalty when used.
General Egnigem Cenia Card * This card will now add additional HP and SP by base level. * The HP and SP regeneration rates have also been increased by 10000.
High Priest Card * Increase resistance to Freeze and Stun by 80% and additional damage of holy light by 50% Sniper Card * When attacking, there is a 5% chance that the attack will pierce Pneuma
Item Part
Condensed Red Potion * SP Healing effect increased to 100-150 SP
Condensed White Potion * Healing effect increased to 1250-1750 hp.
Condensed Yellow Potion * Healing effect increased to 750-1000 hp.
Orange Potion * Healing effect increased to 300-500 hp.
Red Potion * Healing effect increased to 150-200 hp
White Potion * Healing effect increased to 1000-1500 hp
Yellow Potion * Healing effect increased to 500-750 hp 02/19/11HP of emperium has been increased to balance with all jobs without killing the emp within seconds. Updates will be made soon.For more ideas or dislike and want to add some changes, please post it over here
« on: February 06, 2011, 05:32:29 PM »
Updates in aeRO Eternal server!Aug-12-11 Demonic Fire - Change to unlimited stack and depends on players dex. Fear Breeze - Now depends on players dex. Wing Claw Requirements change into 500x Claw of Deserver Wolf, 200x Claw of monkey, 100x Claw of Rat, 1x Lord of Dead Card, 5x Merman Card Mandragora skill delay change into 2 seconds per use. Thorn Trap change from 5 to 10 limit and 2 seconds delay per use Adoramus change is now 0 seconds delay, better challenge for Arch Bishop aka Battle Priest. May-14-11 Yggdrasilberry and Yggdrasilseed drop rate change into 100%. April-10-11 Fix the Dragon Breath skill bug. Feb-21-11 Skill delay set to 0! and disabled the status timer to reduce lag. Feb-16-11 Due to the population of Eternal, It will be more challenge of having WoE set up into 1 castles only, Kriemield. Server updates skills etc, and teleporting of the monster has been decreased. Feb-6-12 Max level up to 450! Experience rates raise up to 8000x/8k! Drop rates will still remain! aeRO Eternal is considered as low rate server. 3rd jobs and Baby 3rd job are now available to use! Askydun implemented(Hidden Quest) New quest items are provided by santa in poring market. Furthermore updates will be release soon! So all aeRO Elites hold your horses!. If you have suggestion for balancing and can make the gaming experience better please post it up here
« on: October 08, 2010, 11:25:52 PM »
08/16/11 - [GM] Ba$her - Juggernaut Drops changes, 50% chance of drops for Bowsershell and aeRO Coin, and 10% drop for Juggernaut Card - Added Shop inside WOR that sells yggdrasilberry, this will enchance the gameplay, reduce idle players cause no berries.
07/14/11 - [GM] Ba$her Omega Arch Angel and Omega Dark Angel given stats bug fixed.
07/11/11 - [GM] Ba$her My deeply apologize about the released that had been rejected by aeRO administrations the items including Tiger Face, Tiger Tail, Achromatic Wig, Angelish Wing, and Wing Claw. The reason is that our main target is to follow the old aeRO System, which has no BIG WINGS that ruin the image of our server. Well, this is still implemented in aeRO Eternal so if you like the those wings, then you can freely see this items in Eternal. Anyways before losing my track, for those people who work hard for this item, or had been sold, you now can gather 500 Million zeny from the items stated above.
Also this has been changed a while ago and I forget to mention. Lighthalzen, and the warp going to Amon-ra, and Valkryie Rangris(Odin Temple Level 3) are now not possible. You now must go to the entrance and start walking, this idea is from the old system of aeRO. So yea, its more challenging and exciting, now to hunt MVP Boss. So yea good luck!
05/15/11 - [GM] Ba$her Modify Deadeye quest requirements, also added Cutlass, Havoc and Sweeper guns quest.
04/27/11 - [GM] Crap LOV/ Thunderstorm Damages now stack Added Berryexchanger
2/20/11 New Items release. - Edited items Brisingamen added 10% damage of Acid Demonstration (Credited to Bringer) - New Quest items added in poring market.
« on: September 25, 2010, 11:04:31 AM »
02/10/2012 Floating rates change every hours! Base and job level F.Rates --> 7000x to 10000x while drop rate originally from 40x increases from 200x to 500x! Happy Valentines! don't miss this chance and gather as many items as you can! don't forget to give some for your love once!
03/13/2011 Freebies gods item is not accesible via WoE PvP and GvG. Megingjard, Sleipnir etc.
Updates: Set the castles into 5! WoE Prize! for every castles! Remove @commands in PvP.
More further updates,
« on: January 18, 2010, 08:06:08 PM »
Note: Gravity had closed the kRO Sakray server, you will no longer be able to patch your Sakray client. For those still doesn't have the kRO Renewal please download it now, because we're planning to update our Client and maybe add 3rd jobs which needs kRO Renewal. - kRO Renewal. don't forget to to run Ragnarok.exe and Ragnarok_RE.exe after installation to patch to the latest version. aeRO GM Team Regards,