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Author Topic: 8/21/12 - to be continued  (Read 7695 times)

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8/21/12 - to be continued
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:42:45 PM »
Quest NPC has been moved. they are no longer available to quest by Santa.

Some added quest
Skeggiold Quest(Turbo and Mayaan)
Loli Drooping Hat(Only in Mayaan for beta test, to be added soon in turbo.)

Old Quest of aeRO and Original of NPC

Skeggiold Cap

Warp to Dungeon then choose Odin Temple
Go to the right portal and you should see this map.

50 Blackdyestuffs

Quincy Bow

1 Goblin Mask - Goblin Archer
1 Goblin Leader Mask - Goblin Leader
1 Surprised Mask [Poker Face] - Goblin
1 Expressionless Mask [Surprised Mask] - Goblin
1 Annoyed Mask - Goblin
1 Mr.Smile - Mr. Smile Quest
1 Mr. Scream - Phreeonie and Bloody Murderer [ MVP Warper and Niflheim Field]
1 Alarm Mask - Quest
5,000 Immaterial Arrows - Buy from Hugel [NPC near the bridge on the right side]
2,000 Sharp Arrows - Buy from Hugel [NPC near the bridge on the right side]
1 Rosary [1] - Mimic [Sphinx Level 2 ,3 , 4, and 5, Louyang Dungeon 5 , Morroc Pyramids 6 and 6]

Moonlight Hat

1 Moonlight Flower Card - Moonlight [MVP Warper]
5 Ninja Suits - Shinobi and Munak [ Amatsu Dungeon 1, 2, and 3 / Payon Dungeon Level 2 and 3]
1 Kakashi Mask - Quest [Santa NPC center of Prontera]
3 Angel Wings - Angeling / Archangeling / Skeggiold
800 Dragon Fly - Dragonfly [Turtle Dungeon Entrance]

Cat O Nine Tail Hat
You have to wait for Night Mode

200 Old Magic Books - Elder [Clock Tower 4 , Thanatos Tower 2 , 3, 4, 5 and 6]
50 Torn Magic Books - Elder [Clock Tower 4 , Thanatos Tower 2, 3 ,4 , 5 and 6]
1 Cat O Ninetails Card - Cat O Ninetails [ Payon dungeon Level 5 and Baldur Guild Dungeon]
1 Gemmed Sallet[1] - Tao Gunka [Comodo Beach Dungeon 1]
10 High Heels - Carat [ Glasheim 1st Floor]
5 Joker Jester - Carat [ Glasheim 1st Floor]
2 Rose Quartz - Zherlthsh / Zealotous [ Glasheim Underprison]


*Look around that Circled Spot, The NPC is inside a house with a Pumpkin looking thing on the outside

5 Requiem Cards - Requiem [Sphinx Dungeon Level 1 and 2]
5 Familliar Cards - Familliar [Anthell Level 1 and 2 , Payon dungeon 1 , Culvert 1, 2 and 3]
5 Magnolia Cards - Magnolia [Morroc Field 4, 5 , 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
1 Fashion Sunglasses - Quest [From Hugel Kids, Bring Jack be Dandy and Red Dyestuff
1 Dracula Card - Dracula [Geffen Level 2]
5 Loki's Whispher - Mysteltainn and Lord Ruri [Lord Ruri: Niflheim Field]

Double Bunny Ears (DBE)

You must first finish the Askydun quest inorder to get to this Town.
When you have reached Askydun, head south and you should See this "Bunny Man" then he will ask you something but choose Nope. After then choose 1st choice and he will show you the Requirements and make you the Double Bunny Ears.

2 Bunny Bands - Geffen NPC by the Kafra (Makes the Bunny Band) or OVB
100 Four Leaf Clover - Breeze Odin Temple
200 Fabric - Wraith, Wraith Dead, Lude, Whisper and etc.
200 Carrots - Buy from NPC on Hugel Town
200 Rainbow Carrots - You can buy them on Hugel Town (By the Pet Accessorry NPC)
700 Fluffs - Fabre (Warp to Geffen town then head to the left portal, you should end up on a field where there is a lot of fabre)
300 False Angel Wings - False Angel Monster Geffenia Lvl 2 - 4