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Topics - kazuken08

Pages: [1]
Mayaan Guild Chat / RGM> AnimaxHentai.
« on: November 12, 2010, 10:51:10 PM »
We need:

(1)Any Types of Defenders.
Any job can do...

GM aLp0t Will be the breaker :3
 ;D ;D
but any1 is welcomed to be a breaker :3
 ;D ;D
Bring Supply. Salary=Castle Prize/Number of Players that Help. :) :)

BTW you don't need to be active :3 jst be active in WoE :3

FM is free in the guild. Treat ni GM ;)

Mayaan Market / What is the most expensive item a mob can drop?
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:35:04 PM »
What is the most expensive item a mob can drop?

which mob? whats the item? how much does it sell?

players pls reply...

Pages: [1]