Hello. Another cool thread here. Let me join in!

In before another thread closed, let me quote what GM Phantasmagoria said here,
http://aerogaming.org/forum/index.php?topic=38130.0.And I quote,
Anyways... Dear fellows, you have been heard and I will personally forward this to our Administrator. I will temporary close this topic and request him to make a post. Do not create another topic. Whoever found this unfair or censoring, too bad. I will still take the risk.
Wheres the post our dear Admin Basher? Why did you reply here first?

Thanks though, you replied! Thats what matters here.
Why was sjnapiza06's thread closed? Is that because he offended someone? or He said something 'confidential'?
Is it prohibited now to voice out our concerns? Because Mayaan is dead, if you would want to know.
[...] We never had rollback.
Theres something wrong here. Is this a typo?
Anyways, we are just saying our opinions here because we do not like how you are handling Mayaan now. Yes, we would thank you for keeping up the server alive after all these years. But hey, give us more updates. Arent you giving so much update right now because you already had done what you have planned? To copy the old aeRO? Lol. Its already 2014, give us some new developments. I repeat myself, Mayaan is still the same like 2-3 years ago. Dont give us the reason that you are facing a different reality now. Because anyone would know that while youre still studying, you arent that active too. Now that youre working, it became worse. Well this is aeROGaming forum. So I think its fine for us to talk about our server. Because we need changes and major updates. Theres really nothing to do on Mayaan besides WoE. If you have observed, Mayaan population is going downhill. Most players are just online during WoE hours. After that, servers dead again. Im just saying, if you could at least dedicate a little time for some bug fixing/making developments. Players will not complain if Mayaan is being handled right. Im pretty sure, Eternal players share the same thought as I do.
Not really pretty sure about Turbo players. Because as I read in this thread and the closed thread, they are satisfied with the server just being up with no gameplay updates and no active GMs (I think Turbo doesnt even have one . Lol)
Just do your job as an Admin. I know you can do it, its just aeRO is on your least priority as of now. We just need
updates! Make the game like its new again at the same time will keep the players on playing it.
Edit: Since I copy pasted the closed thread. Let me give an example of a thing that will take a few minutes to be done but taking a long time to be actually done (hopefully you know what I mean. Lol) G i g a b y t e's Prize for being the MVP for ArcticPrism's Event. Event was done last 13/9. Its 5/10 now until now no prize was given to G i g a b y t e. Screenshot was given already to Basher since he asked for one as a proof I think.