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Messages - L e x

Pages: [1]
Ragnarok Announcement / Re: Agit King changes v2
« on: May 25, 2015, 08:54:59 PM »
well, this update leads to a more boring game.

Turbo Market / Re: Selling View Inside
« on: December 05, 2011, 09:22:49 AM »

Turbo Market / Re: S> VIEW HERE
« on: November 24, 2011, 10:43:09 PM »
+10vm = 15b  8)

+ten GS = ten gods +? or OFfer ???

« on: September 13, 2011, 10:32:39 PM »
10gods fix     ???

aeRO Screenies / Re: proof ko para kay Solid hehe..
« on: August 14, 2011, 10:22:59 AM »
Gunz Gunz .. updating .. ..... see you there  :-X

Turbo Market / S>+10flu/Byaku=offer Oda+10vm=coins
« on: June 08, 2011, 03:40:50 AM »
 Offer each Pm me here or ingame : Lex Luthor

Turbo Market / Re: S>4megs 3sliep 2spc=?
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:46:07 AM »

Turbo Market / Re: S>FLU=1GOD+30B 2MEGS=+10VM+20B+SLEIP
« on: May 23, 2011, 09:53:19 AM »
FLU[1] = 1GOD + 20b  :D  :D
EHL 1god+25b = flu[1] :)

Turbo Market / Re: S>ITEMS
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:13:24 AM »
All gods = My Virginity wahahahahaha  :D

Ragnarok Announcement / Re: Summer Heat! are you ready?!
« on: May 02, 2011, 02:20:11 AM »
Upcoming Updates!

This coming summer heat!

aeRO Mayaan

Will be granted to level up to 265!

Aristocratic Arch Angel Wing will be known us [AAAW]
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes

Crimson Red Arch Angel Wing will be known as [CRAAW]
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes

Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!

Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events!

In progress

aeRO Turbo

Juggernaut Card - Ready for Extremity Fist
Questable: No
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Termination Card - Watch us Whitesmiths!
Questable: No
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Undecided

In progress

Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!

Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events!

aeRO Eternal

Wing Claw - Undecided
Item Info:
• Applicable only for Taekwon, Star Gladiator, Soul Linker, Gunslinger, Ninja
• Hit +50
• Coma effect by low chance.
• Places Curse effect on its target by a 3% chance.

Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Girly Ribbon - Summer is not complete without a new Ribbon!
Item Info:
• AGI + 2
• MDEF + 5
• Decreases damage inflicted on Wind Property by 10%
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Angelish Wing - Summer hot release!
Item Info:
• Luk +5
• Dexterity +5
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Angelish Wing - Weee!
Item Info:
• Strength +5
• Luk +5
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Tiger Face - Rawr!
Item Info:
• Strength +2
• Increase damage received from demi human monster by 10%
• Increase your walking speed.
• If Tiger Face is equipped - Additional scratch! Double Attack by 50%
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Tiger Tail - Don't look at the ass! look at the tail!
Item Info:
• Increases Attack Speed by 8%
• If Tiger Face is equipped - Additional scratch! Double Attack by 50%
Questable: Yes
Tradable: Yes
Droppable: Yes

Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!

Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events!

In progress

aeRO Old School

Mr Indentifier
Limited for those lazy ass people! This NPC will identify all unidentified items in your inventory at once.

Custom Drops of aeRO Treasure Boxes - like what? rare headgears that you won't find anywhere!

Automated Prizes events! - NOT ME! but i will give you something that you will never forget! aeRO Gift Boxes that has rare headgears on it! so which box is yours? let me list your name and start joining our daily events!

In progress

To be updated, so hold your horses and don't miss this update on May! Summer hot!.

Please fix the new wings cause it has slot..... and flu mask[1] will be useless at Turbo ..Thx =)

Turbo Market / S> Asprika = Good Offer Byaku= Good offer also :)
« on: April 29, 2011, 03:36:29 PM »
 Pm Here or In game : L e x Gladiator  :o

Pages: [1]