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Messages - iamLOVE

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Ragnarok Announcement / Re: We'd love to hear your voice
« on: January 03, 2015, 08:16:29 PM »
@ MigueL™(Balong)
i like your signature  ;) lolz  :) 8)


Ragnarok Announcement / Re: We'd love to hear your voice
« on: January 03, 2015, 06:52:26 PM »
I really like #1 New Quest Items (Custom Item) however, due to outdated maps other quest may not accessible.
Which will bring me to #2 Updated Maps and monsters including drops including renewal items -
whereas there is a high chance of having new quest that are accessible without map updates,
it’ll be awesome if there will be new places to explore and the new quest will be on the new map ;]

nevertheless, i think #1. "New Quest Items (Custom Item)" and
#2. "Updated Maps and monsters including drops including renewal items" should be combined in my opinion XD 8)

Additionally I really really like #5 Add more Support GM's -
for more updates not only here but also in game;
for the gm's to update what needs updating;
to promptly respond to bugs, errors, scammers, suckers
and just as*#hole players :p and etc. :D  :P 8)

All in all, i would  :-X hhhmmmmm  :-\ choose #5. Add more Support GM's =]

Plus, sooo they can immediately take care of the winning prices (ehem ehem) lolz

thank you for reading my comment. more power to aero! =] *\o/*


Mayaan / Re: [Event] The price is RIGHT!
« on: December 31, 2014, 07:47:17 AM »
thanks so much for the event gm!!!  :-* :-*
happy happy new year!!!


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