The mechanics for the event are the following:
There will be 5 best players of each guild that can join & register by their Guild Master. Your best of 5 guild members must be registered with their exact character name. Only 8 guilds is allowed to join... first come first serve basis. Also, the best 5 of your guild members will battle to another guild until you get to the finals. Whoever, succeed at first match will earn
20 coupons,
10 megaphone,
10 summer event suit and
1000 poison bottle for each star members of the guild. Finally, the last surviving guild is consider the winner!
Format on how to register:
Tell your Guild Master to sign up your main character that you will use in the event on the forum at: The only member of the guild that can sign you up is your guild master. Also, you must provide your emblem and your emblem must be visible in-game at all times.
Format:Show content
Up to you if you'd like to Create your own Style to show up other contestants:

"Width 2.76/cm | Height 0.6/cm"
You are required to provide the following:Guild/Emblem: aeRO GM Team

1)[GM] Ba$her (Wizard)
2)[GM] Crap (Blacksmith)
3)[GM] Ajax (Assassin)
4)[GM] Leigh Mia (Lord Knight)
5)[GM] Phantasmagoria (Paladin)
Player Responsibilities
1. Players must follow the rules interpretations and guidelines for play set forth by the aeRO GM Team.
2. Players are expected to behave in a respectful and sporting manner at all times.
3. Players who argue with or fail to follow the instructions of the aeRO GM Team are subject to the appropriate penalties as the case may be.
4. The decision of the Game Masters ARE FINAL.
5. aeRO GM Team has the right to change/delete portions/expound/clarify/interpret event rules depending on circumstances as they see fit for a fair and balanced competition environment.
This includes item restrictions, job restrictions, etc.
Item restrictions:
--- Yggdrasil Leaf
--- Butterfly Wing; '' Which will make you lose definitely.''
- Over-all Requirements:
--- No Novice (super novice and etc.)
--- No Trick Dead
--- No Warp Portal
--- No Basilica
--- No Teleportation
--- Offensive/foul names are not allowed.
--- Emblem must be visible at all times.
--- No emblem change
1. The start of the event will be signaled by aeRO GM Team. Players must be on the event map during the count down. Use of skills is restricted. Offending players will be given a warning; then on the second offense, penalty will be disqualification from the event. The same rule holds for those who disrespect the event staff.
2. Lag will not stop the clock. Disconnection will not stop the clock. Once a game has already started, disconnection of players from the servers, regardless of their number, will not stop the event.
4. The surviving guild member(s) for this event is consider the winner.
Guild of 8 Contestants are listed here:

Guild/Emblem: Vandalize

1. Aggression 4k Moon [Pally]
2. Imba Caps [Creator]
3. Solenn Heussaff [Clown/Gypsy]
4. l3 r i n g e r [Clown/Gypsy]
5. Asians [Soul Linker]

Guild/Emblem: HellDwellers

1. Papa Pa O (Paladin)
2. Horikita Maki (Clown/Gypsy)
3. G e n b u (Professor)
4. Debbieee xD (Creator)
5. ll Merciless ll (Star Gladiator)

Guild/Emblem: YakuLt RepubLiC

1.) IK h e L ( Paladin )
2.) Takiya G e n j i ( Ninja )
3.) Psylocke ( Star Gladiator )
4.) Payaso ni Derfla ( Clown )
5.) H a m m e r ( Biochemist )

Guild/Emblem: Rush Empire

1. Kiss and Tell ( Stalker )
2. R a p i s t (Paladin)
3. iDemo Khiee xD ( Creator )
4. D e m o L i t i o n ( Paladin )
5. C a r r o t ( Gypsy )

Guild/Emblem: The Kingdom of Blood

1. The DizTrOyeR [ Paladin ]
2. Tarot ni Jhayz [ Ministrel ]
3. iP r o t o t y p e [ Champion ]
4. eL SaYoNaRa [ Creator ]
5. S Fallen Heart Jayll G [ Star Gladiator ]

Guild/Emblem: Angel Wings 2

1) lsaac (Star Gladiator)
2) iShogun iRua (Paladin)
3) S a l v a t i o n (Clown)
4) PooPooFresh (High Wizard)
5) FP bastardo FP (Creator)

Guild: A10tion

1. iFreed (Champ)
2. Tarot Card of Erning (Clown)
3. Waray Waray (Ninja)
4. xD Ayeng (Pally)
5. iDevotion Joeri (Pally)

Guild/Emblem: The Infamous

1. Sipang Artista[Star Gladiator]
2. xRustyx[Paladin]
3. t0nybanks[Professor]
4. Pagitan[Creator]
5. I Love Pau[Gypsy]
Finals - Best of 0/4
Event prize:Winner of the finals: Pisces Crown
Finals: 1 aeRO Coin, 5 Donation Credit Points and 300 Platinum Coins
Date:July, 20. 2012 | 8:30 AM server time.