Ragnarok Server Changelogs / [MAYAAN UPDATE] 11/28/2021
« on: December 09, 2021, 06:10:53 AM »
WoE Schedules:
WEDNESDAY (2AM - 4AM SERVER TIME) with 4 castles
Rewards: 2.5b per castle
SUNDAY (8AM - 10AM SERVER TIME) with 1 castle
Reward: 15 billion
- SHINIGAMI or MAYA PURPLE bug using mobile aeRO. (Can't be fixed)
WEDNESDAY (2AM - 4AM SERVER TIME) with 4 castles
Rewards: 2.5b per castle
SUNDAY (8AM - 10AM SERVER TIME) with 1 castle
Reward: 15 billion
- SHINIGAMI or MAYA PURPLE bug using mobile aeRO. (Can't be fixed)