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- Chat flooding- Below the belt trash talking- Game related defamation1st Offense – 6 hours mute2nd Offense – 1 day jail3rd Offense - Permanent Jail
- Disrespecting a GM during the event- Involvement in bug abuse and/or exploitation- Using NO DELAY and AUTO POTS third party programs- Intentionally disrupting the flow of the entire eventPunishment – Permanent Ban
Why do players easily believe on this hearsay? Don't believe on players' comment. Only Administrators can decide if they will wipe the server or not.I'm still holding the words of [GM] Ba$her before I left the team, "THERE WILL BE NO WIPE!"
Updated Result: 0/22 defense; Prize: [Admin] Ba$her's Choice of A super rare head gear (Diadem)Current Castle: by TBA Guild | Guild Master: TBAAK Castle conquered by TBA GuildGuild Master: TBA0/22: 16th day of April1/22: N/A2/22: N/A3/22: N/A4/22: N/A5/22: N/A6/22: N/A7/22: N/A8/22: N/A9/22: N/A10/22: N/A11/22: N/A12/22: N/A13/22: N/A14/22: N/A15/22: N/A16/22: N/A17/22: N/A18/22: N/A19/22: N/A20/22: N/A21/22: N/A22/22: N/A----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AGIT KING EVENT 2023 of Mayaan ServerStrict Rules and Regulations:1. When you hold the castle for the first time (conquer), your score is 0. You must consecutively conquer it again and defend it until the end, your score is 1, then 2 and so on. If the AGIT holder fails to do so, the overall score will reset to 0. To Win, you need to achieve (1) successful conquer and (15) consecutive target castle ownership. 2. Each member of the guild MUST KILL all non-members of his/her current guild.3. It is also prohibited for ALL GUILDS to do the following: • Change Guild Master • Change Guild Emblem • Change the Guild Emblem to BLANK • Copy the Opposing Guild’s Emblem 4. Guild alliance is not allowed during Agit King Event. Meaning, two or more guilds are forbidden to help each other in defending/conquering a castle. Kindly refer to this link for further explanation: https://aerogaming.org/forum/index.php?topic=42352.05. Most importantly, use common sense! If you think something may not be allowed. As such, you may be punished for something that is not specifically mentioned in these rules.STRICT REMINDER: Any violation of these rules will cost your hard-earned Defense Scores to be Reset back to 0. Also tell your mates to CAREFULLY READ these RULES because we will send NO WARNINGS this time.These rules are subject to change.Below are the Two Level Category for Player Violations during AGIT KING EVENT.Light to Moderate Offenses such as:Quote- Chat flooding- Below the belt trash talking- Game related defamation1st Offense – 6 hours mute2nd Offense – 1 day jail3rd Offense - Permanent JailModerate to Heavy Offenses such as:Quote- Disrespecting a GM during the event- Involvement in bug abuse and/or exploitation- Using NO DELAY and AUTO POTS third party programs- Intentionally disrupting the flow of the entire eventPunishment – Permanent BanThese punishments are subject to change.