The Agit King prize is supposed to be only one very rare headgear. They misunderstood what I said in this
topic. I said the prize will be
extra rare(Meaning super rare). it is different from
extra rare headgear. I would have said 2 rare headgear otherwise.
I would update that topic to avoid confusion. Since my post can also mean 2 headgears, the AK Winner will receive 2 rare headgear this time. 1 Super Rare headgear(not obtainable via special dcp request) and another rare headgear(requestable via special request and still very rare).
Again, just for clarification, the next AK prize will be just 1 super rare headgear( This way we can maintain the price of the rare hats. )
Again, congratulations to Agit King winner. The Onslaught guild and its members