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Messages - asiongtalong

Pages: [1]
Ragnarok Announcement / Re: Server is up
« on: August 12, 2018, 04:16:46 AM »
that happened to me, had to reinstall the entire client because my mutherfucking windows defender/firewall deleted the gepard file on my aero. All you have to do is temporarily disable your windows defender/firewall/antivirus before you install the aero client, once you are done turn back on the windows defender/firewall/antivirus, it might detect the gepard file as trojan/malware, when the windows defender gives you notification that gepard file is a malware you have an option to either delete or "allow" the file to be ignored by the firewall. If this doesnt work for you, i really have no clue whats causing the problem.

you also need to disable your windows defender/firewall/antivirus for a moment while patching your newly installed aero client.

Well said Agit King =)

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