- The WoE time has changed in aeRO Turbo starting from 9 AM to 11 AM(9 PM to 11 PM @philippine time.)
- Hiring Serjeant and Arms. (Jail Macro users) both Turbo and Mayaan
- Should have at least 1 reported video of the macro/nodelay user. If you already have reported a macro user, please add the link to your application.
- Matured enough and can speak English.
- Must not have any previous history using a macro or any other illegal application.
- Your account must have at least 1000 logins.(Sorry no new players for this position.)
If you think you are qualified for this position, please do e-mail us at
[email protected] with the following criteria.
- Main Character Name: Adrian
- Server: Turbo
- Availability: 6 pm to 12 pm(Weekdays) and 12 pm - 6 pm (Weekends) [This must be according to the server time.]
- Country: Canada]
Applications that don't have any links to their reports will automatically be disregarded. The Chosen candidate will get an e-mail back from us.
I'm still looking for candidate for the Sargent and Arms who can online from
1 AM to 6 AM @servertime (
Looking for 2 more candidates)
6 AM to 12 AM @servertime (
Looking for 1 more candidates)
12 AM to 5 PM @servertime (
Looking for 2 more candidates)
6 PM to 11PM @servertime (
Looking for 1 more candidate)