Items in this shop are purchased using donation credits and not real money. Donation Credits are rewarded to players who make a donation to our server, helping us cover the costs of maintaining and running the server.
Custom Rare Headgear Request
Do you want to have your own requested rare hat? It costs 200 DCP, please email us at [email protected] to make sure you are the first one to have your requested hat.
Wings created using all the light in the world. Its name means "Light of the Gods".
Adds resistance to ALL elements by 30%.
FLEE + 30, MDEF + 5.
Enables use of Level 1 Teleport.
Cannot be refined, cannot be destroyed.
A coat crafted from the skin dropped by the monster Nidhoggur.
It seems unexpectedly powerful.
Add a 7% resistance to all Elements.
Increases SP by Level/3 + (Refine Rate * 10).
When dealing physical damage there's a 1% chance that you'll recover 1% of your damage as SP.
MDEF + 3
Makes garment unbreakable. A flaming manteau that burns in both red and blue colors, but does not harm its wearer.
Maximum HP + 5%. MDEF + 2
MATK + 1%. Increases damage against Fire Property monsters by 2%.